Founder Partner and Co-CEO at PADIMA, very much focused in managing its Legal Area, Honorific Commercial Law Doctor and Professor of Law at the University of Alicante, Magister Lvcentinus in Intellectual Property (Alicante), Spanish Patent and Trademark Attorney and representative before the EUIPO and EPO.
He is very much linked and committed to the business world and entrepreneurship, having been the President of the University Enterprise Foundation –FUNDEUN (2012-2018), President of the European Confederation of Young Entrepreneurs (YES) and received the AJEV Honorary Award “Young entrepreneur 2016” to his career path and the Forum Europe Gold Medal in 2013, Business Knowledge of Fundeun 2018 among other recognitions.
Recently named Honorific Professor of the University of Alicante, is regularly invited as international speaker in several master programmes and Universities, such as ICADE, George Washington University; and Business Schools, such as Fundesem, the Academy of European Law or Florida Universitaria. Regular speaker in a wide number of congresses and courses related to innovation and its protection or the development of entrepreneur values in many countries such as Spain, United States, Mexico, United Kingdom, France, Switzerland, Honduras, El Salvador, Panama, Dominican Republic, etc.
He is author of numerous publications and monographs in the field of IP, particularly known because of his researches and contributions to the protection and defence of the Designs and 3D Trademarks.
Founder Partner and Co-CEO at PADIMA
Specialized Firm on STRATEGY, PROTECTION and DEFENCE of Intellectual Property.
- University of Alicante “HAND” recognition, 2018.
- AJEV Honorary Award “Young entrepreneur 2016” to his career path.
- Forum Europe Gold Medal 2013.· “Innovative Young Entrepeneur” in 2011 due to the 30 Cierval Anniseesary.
- “Young of the year” in 2005 by the Council of Alicante.· Business Knowledge of Fundeun 2018.
- Honrific Prof.& Doctor (Cum laude) of Commercial Law at the University of Alicante. The doctorate was obtained in the field of 3D shapes protection & enforcement, having many publications and conferences within this scope. Professor and international speaker in several master programmes
- Past Member of the Social Council of the University of Alicante (2014-2020)
- Past President of the University Enterprise Foundation FUNDEUN (2012-2018) and Past President of the European Confederation of Young
- Entrepreneurs YES (2009-2010), AJE Comunidad Valenciana and JOVEMPA.
- Frequent speaker in more than 100 conferences and courses related to IP, innovation and/or entrepeneurship in many countries such as United States, Mexico, United Kingdom, France, Switzerland, Honduras, El Salvador, Panama, Dominican Republic
- Lawyer and Spanish Patent and Trademark Attorney (Authorized Representative before the OEPM, EUIPO and EPO)
- Lawyer specialized in IP before the General Court and the Court of Justice of the European Union in Luxembourg.
- Legal expert on Intellectual Property.
- Member of the Experts Committee in IP Law and Unfair Competition in AIJU (Technological Toy Institute).
- Technician in OIT, Innovation Organization and Applied Management by the Madrid Polytechnic University.
- Spanish Intertextil Counsel IP representative before the European Commission.
- Coordinator the Intellectual Property and Innovation group of the Spanish Association for Trademarks Protection & Enforcement (ANDEMA), representing several Spanish and International companies, as well as professional organizations such as footwear, textile or toys.
- Panellist on “IP protocols in the health industry”. ATEVAL technical sessions. 3rd, November 2020
- Moderator on “Look vs Functionality: trends on the protection of industrial designs”. ASIPI Annual Conference. Lima, Perú. 30, November 2019.
- Panellist on “Criteria for assessing design disclosure on the internet”. INDECOPI. Lima, Perú. 25, November 2019
- Panellist on “Deisgn”. Designs bulding trademarks Conference. Circulo de Economía. Alicante, 25, September 2019.
- Panelist on “Not only words… Options to protect non-traditional Trademarks” TMAP Annual Conference, Berlin, 16-18 September, 2019
- Panelist on “Design remedies on the European Union”, at the141 INTA Annual Conference; Boston, USA, 18 May 2019.
- Co-panelist on “The Hague agreement & the international design protection” at the 8th AMPPI international conference, Mexico City, 27, 28, 29 of March 2019.
- Conference “Design clearance in 2018: Where? Who? Why? And most important, How?”. 2018 Design Conference The Power of Design, London, 26-27 February, 2018.
- Seminar “Some keys for IP management”. LEINN Official Degree. Florida University, Valencia. 15, November 2017.
- Seminar “European Design System”. A course for SIPO authorities (patent examiners and directors) at the University of Alicante. 26, September 2017.
- Conference “Design Protection in the EU”. IP Postgraduate Program George Washington University. Washington DC, 21 March 2017.
- Conference “Functionality: Protectionists Debates” AMML Congress. Sessions on IP Law Specialization. Santiago de Compostela, 23 September 2016.
- Seminar “Design Protection in the EU”. Training for Chinese Patent Office SIPO officers. University of Alicante, 21 September 2016.
- Representative of the AIPPI Spanish Group concerning Designs: Requirements for the Design Protection (Functionality). Milan Congress, 16-20 September 2016.
- Conference “The Evidence in the Trademarks, Designs and Utility Models Counterfeits in the European Union”. Course on “The Evidence on the Criminal Process: the NEW DOCTRINE”, University of Alicante, 14 July 2016.
- Conference “Three-Dimensional Trademark” I Aranzadi Congress on Trademarks, Madrid, 7 – 8 April 2016.
- Conference “Infringement & Infringement remedies of EU Design Rights” Transnational IP Seminar 2016. University of Alicante and University of Washington, 21-24 March 2016.
- Conference “The scope of protection of the Black & White trademarks” AIPPI Congress 2016. Madrid, 18 – 19 February 2016.
- Conference “The University, an Opportunity for Business Start-Up” Graduates UTEC Congress 2015, El Salvador Technological University. El Salvador, 8 December 2015.
- Conference “Innovation and Intellectual Property” Graduates UTEC Congress 2015, Law College of the El Salvador Technological University. El Salvador, 8 December 2015.
- Conference “Entrepreneurs: The Solution to Social Development” Graduates UTEC Congress 2015, El Salvador Technological University. El Salvador, 7 December 2015.
- Conference “My Design, My Difference, My Value: The Key for Internationalization”, National Footwear Association (AVECAL), Elche, 17 March 2015.
- Conference “Product Design: Whom the Rights Belong to and How to Protect Them?”, National Furniture Association (ANIEME), Valencia, 24 February 2015.
- Conference “The Force of Example”, IMAGINALIA Centre, Alicante. 16 October 2014.
- Conference “Social Awareness” [A Burden for the Economy: Illegal Sales, zero tolerance.] ALTADIS and el NUEVO LUNES. Madrid, 10 September 2014.
- Conference “Innovation on ICT´s”. UNAH. Honduras, 21 April 2014.
- Conference “Innovation”. UNAH. Honduras, 21 and 22 April 2014.
- Conference “Entrepreneurship: Charting the way forward” Global Russia Business Meeting. Valencia, 7 April 2014.
- Conference “Entrepreneurship & Innovation: educational links”. INTEC, Dominican Republic. 20 October 2014.
- Conference “The Defence Against 3-D Shapes Imitations”, European Union Trademark Court Sessions, Alicante, 20 November 2014.
- DESIGNS: A GLOBAL GUIDE 2020” An article in relation with the Design protection in Spain. World Trademark Review (WTR). February 2020.
- “Emerging Designs: retos de protección y defensa” Colección Tirant lo Blanc PROPIEDAD INDUSTRIAL E INTELECTUAL 2020. ISBN V-978-84
- “DESIGNS: A GLOBAL GUIDE 2019” An article in relation with the Design protection in Spain. World Trademark Review (WTR). February 2019.[Link]
- “EUROPEAN UNION: Court of Justice Issues Landmark Decision on Design Features Dictated by Technical Function” INTA Bulletin April 2018, Vol. 73, nº7.
- “Functional designs, protection debates” LA LEY Mercantil. Doctrina. Nº 44, februry 2018. Ed. Wolters Kluwer.
Chapter “Utility Model protection for shapes” of the book “Protección jurídica de las creaciones de forma, protección concurrente y protección acumulada” by D. Alfredo Corral Ponce. Latitud cero editores, 2018. - “Obligatory Use of the Trademark: Alteration of the Distinctive Character”, LA LEY mercantil, Nº 34, Sección Propiedad Intelectual e Industrial, marzo 2017, Editorial Wolters Kluwer.
- “Black & White Trademarks Scope of Protection”, XXXI Intellectual Property Workshop. Publication Nº50 AIPPI Spanish Group, p.117.
- “Unfair Copies of Packaging”: General Council of the Judiciary. CEFI Foundation, No. 74 COMMUNICATIONS on Industrial Property and Competition Law. April 2015.
- “Protection of 3-D Shapes from the Unfair Competition Regulation: its Interaction with the Industrial Property”. 50th ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATIVE BOOK of the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property AIPPI. STUDIES ON INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. March 2015.
- “Social Awareness” [A Burden for the Economy: Illegal Sales, zero tolerance.] Ed Nuevo Lunes. September 2014.
- “Creativity, Innovation and Patents: Three Ingredients to Be Competitive and for the Rest to Know It”. AITEX Technological Textile Institute. September 2013, No. 45, p.30 – 33.
- “Comments to the Last General Court Decisions concerning Industrial Designs” Courts Practice, No. 93, Case Law Comments Section, Editorial LA LEY. May 2012.
- “Legal Protection Boundaries for 3D Shapes. The Relation Between Industrial Property and Unfair Competition” GCJ Magazine. April 2012.
- “Shapes Protection by Unfair Competition” Business Law, No. 259, Today’s Topics Section, Editorial LA LEY. April 2012.
- “Aceitunita y Hueso al plato” Ed. Wolkers Kluwer and Fundesem Editorial FUNDESEM- WOLTERS KLUWER. August 2011.
- “Product Shapes Protection by Industrial Property” Procedure Law General Magazine IUSTEL 24. May 2011.
- “Shapes Protection by Copyright” Business Law Magazine of La Ley Editorial, Year 22, No. 248. May 2011.
- “Is it Possible to Innovate without Industrial Property?” Magazine AT News No. 10. February 2011.
- “MADE IN Origin Branding: Mercantilism or Information?”. Alicante’s Bar Association Magazine. ABOGACIA No. 56 D.L A-1055-1988. January 2011.
- “Protection of Shapes as 3-D Trademarks”. TIRANT LO BLANC 728. DL V-4605-2010. January 2011.
- “Innovation and Company: Basic Guidelines on Creativity and Knowledge Management” Monograph. November 2007. D.L. A-1157-2007

In the professional field, Eva manages and coordinates the global strategy and protection matters in Intellectual Property. She is in charge of intangible assets analyses, as well as economic valuation of trademarks, auditing portfolios and drafting protection and communication proposals in terms of Intellectual Property. She supervises the International Area and handles foreign trademarks and their prosecution.
In the field of research, her latest research collaborations have been in the study “The Triangle of Business Success: Innovation, Trademark and Exportations” (2016) and in the study “The Impact of Trademarks in the Spanish Economy and Society” (2012), commissioned by ANDEMA and the OEPM to the University of Alicante.
Eva is president of the El Círculo-Directivos of Alicante and an active member, individually or in the company’s name, in various national and international professional and business associations, such as MARQUES, INTA (International Trademark Association), Spanish Marketing Association (AEMARK), Association of Advertising Communication Companies of the Valencian Region (AECPcv), Association of Directors of Communication (Dircom) and the University Enterprise Foundation (FUNDEUN).
Partner and Agency Manager – Strategy & Protection Area of PADIMASpecialists in the STRATEGY, PROTECTION and DEFENSE of the creativity and innovation results.
- INTA (International Trademark Association)
- Mediterranean Marketing Club.
- Association of Directors of Communication (Dircom).
- Association of Young Entrepreneurs of the Province of Alicante (JOVEMPA).
- Family Business Association (AEFA).
- INTA (International Trademark Association).
- Spanish Marketing Association (AEMARK).
- Association of Advertising Communication Companies of the Valencian Region (AECPcv).
- University-companies Foundation of the University of Alicante (FUNDEUN)
- Degree in Economics
- Specialist in intangible valuation.
- Master in Industrial Property and Information Society.
- Diploma in Advanced Studies in the PhD program of Sociology of Consumo.
- Transfer Pricing and Intellectual Property
- Specialist in Analysis and Management of Intangibles, by the Institute of Analysis of Intangibles (Madrid).
- Technology Watch Technician, UPM.
- Management Specialist successful brands, UPM.
- IP protection strategy consultant.
- Official Intellectual Property Agent
- Expert in the Analysis and Management of Intangible Assets
- Judicial Expert in IP Rights
- Professor of Marketing at the University of Alicante and several business schools.
Her latest research collaborations have been in the study “The Triangle of Business Success: Innovation, Trademark and Exportations” (in Spanish only) (2016) and in the study “The Impact of Trademarks in the Spanish Economy and Society” (2012), commissioned by ANDEMA and the OEPM to the University of Alicante.

European Patent Agent

European Patent Agent
After almost a decade working in this field, I love studying how to protect innovation by focusing on the technical aspects that differentiate you from the existing state of the art.
I will help you establish a strategy to use your Intellectual Property as a marketing and advocacy tool that goes beyond protection and adds value to your business.

I will help you draw up a strategy according to your needs and set up a work plan so that you are perfectly protected against third parties and you can work with peace of mind.

I will help your trademarks accompany you in your international expansion, choosing the most efficient time and way for their territorial expansion. By doing so, all you have to worry about is the commercial success of your company.

Thanks to my training , I will advise you on the protection of your trademarks, both in Spain and in the European Union drawing up a strategy according to your needs.

I am committed to taking care of your creativity in this field so that your efforts are rewarded, from the moment your idea comes to life to its effective protection in Spain or abroad. I will also help you to understand the state of the art that affects your innovation plan in order to better protect your research and development.

Supports the innovation department in the better understanding and protection of software or inventions comprising technological applications.

I essentially coordinate the administrative and customer service functions, as well as the management of receipts and payments.

I´m specialised in the field of patent drafting and analysis to verify whether your invention is eligible for protection, as well as in the protection of industrial designs.

I work in the Administration Department and perform customer service functions, as well as managing receipts and payments.

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PADIMA TEAM SLP will process your personal data in order to analyze your query and provide you with an answer as soon as possible to the email you indicate us. You may make use of your right of access, rectification, cancellation, to erasure, to data portability and to object through written communication sent to PADIMA TEAM S.L.P. – Explanada de España, número 11, piso 1º, 03002 Alicante or to lopd@padima.es”>lopd@padima.es. More information in our Privacy Policy.