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[ IP Translator / Partial Use ]

Judgment of the European Court of Justice of 11 October 2017. Case C-501/15P. EUIPO/Cactus SA vs Isabel del Rio Rodriguez.

Object: European Union Trademark. Nice Classification and effective use of the trademark in short.

Abstract: In this judgment, the ECJ deals with two questions: first, it is remarked the criterium resulting from the IP Translator and Praktiker Bau judgments and it is not applied to the prior marks in the moment when these judgments were ruled.

Second, it is considered that the effective use requirement of art.15.1.a) EUTMR is satisfied even when only the figurative element of a combined trademark is used obviating its word part, provided that the distinctive character of the trademark as registered is not altered. In this case, the two elements compounding the trademark (a stylized cactus and the term “cactus”) had the same semantical meaning, so the use of only the graphical part of the sign (stylized cactus) is not an alteration of the trademark distinctive character as registered.

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[ Novelty Requirement ]

Judgment of the European Court of Justice of 21 September 2017. Joined cases C-361/15P and C-405/15P. Easy Sanitary Solutions BV/ EUIPO vs Group Nivelles NV.

Object: Community Design.

Abstract: In this case, among other questions, the ECJ ratifies that having regard to the interpretation of arts. 10, 19 and 36 of Regulation No 6/2002, a Community design cannot be regarded as being new if an identical design has been made available to the public before the dates specified in that provision, even if that earlier design was intended to be incorporated into a different product. The fact that the protection granted to a design is not limited only to the products in which it is intended to be applied must therefore mean that the assessment of the novelty must also not be limited to those products alone.

*Source:[/vc_column_text][vc_gap height=»10″][vc_separator align=»left» style=»normal» type=»large» margin_top=»10″ margin_bottom=»25″][vc_gap height=»10″][vc_column_text]

[ Concept of Citations ]

Judgment of the European Court of Justice of 27 September 2017. Joined cases C-24/16 and C-25/16. Nintendo Co vs BigBen Interactive GmbH and BigBen Interactive SA.

Object: Community Design. Preliminary ruling interpretation art. 20.1.c). art. 79.1, 82, 83, 88 and 89 Council Regulation (EC) No 6/2002. Concept of citations.

Abstract:These requests are made within the scope of the proceedings between Nitendo Co, Ltd and BigBen Interactive GmnH and BigBen Interactive SA regarding the actions for infringement of the Community Designs owned by Nintendo. Concerning the interpretation of art. 20.1.c) Council Regulation (concept of citations) the ECJ rules that a third party, without the consent of the holder of the rights conferred by a Community design, may use images of the goods corresponding to such designs, when lawfully offering for sale goods intended to be used as accessories to the specific goods of the holder of those designs, to explain or demonstrate the joint use of the goods. In order to apply this limit, three cumulative conditions must be fulfilled compatibility of the acts of reproduction with fair trade practice, the absence of undue prejudice to the normal exploitation of the design on account of such acts and mention of the source.

*Source:[/vc_column_text][vc_gap height=»10″][vc_separator align=»left» style=»normal» type=»large» margin_top=»10″ margin_bottom=»25″][vc_column_text]

[ “Staggered” Renewals  ]

The ECJ interprets that trademark “staggered” renewals are.

Nissan applied for the partial renewal of their trademark in two classes, lately, within the grace period, applied for the renewal of the third class. The EUIPO rejected this option alleging legal certainty reasons. Now, the ECJ interprets that art. 50 and art. 47 EUTMR do not mean that it is forbidden to file, during the terms referred under article 47, section 3, applications for renewal of a EUTM staggered over time and concerning different classes of goods or services.

*Source (in Spanish)[/vc_column_text][vc_gap height=»10″][vc_separator align=»left» style=»normal» type=»large» margin_top=»10″ margin_bottom=»25″][vc_column_text]

[ Madrid System ]

Indonesia joins the Madrid System.

From 2 January 2018 the foreign companies and trademark owners will be able to apply for the protection of their goods and services in Indonesia, since the Government of Indonesia deposited its instrument of accession to the Madrid Protocol with WIPO’s Director General.

*Source: [/vc_column_text][vc_gap height=»10″][vc_separator align=»left» style=»normal» type=»large» margin_top=»10″ margin_bottom=»25″][vc_column_text]

[ Patent Troll ]

Apple sentenced to pay for more than 400 millions of dollars to an alleged patent “troll”.

Apple company has been recently sentenced to pay for more than 400 millions of dollars to the company Virtnex for infringement of four patents. This dispute has lasted for5 years. Virtnex would be, in the Intellectual Property jargon, a patent “troll”, i.e., a toxic company devoted to acquiring patents with the only aim of putting pressure on the big companies in exchange of important sums of money. Apple do not give up will appeal the sentence.

*Source (in Spanish):[/vc_column_text][vc_gap height=»10″][vc_separator align=»left» style=»normal» type=»large» margin_top=»10″ margin_bottom=»25″][vc_column_text]

[ New EPO President ]

Antònio Campinos, new President of the European Patent Office.

Antònio Campinos, Director of the European Union Intellectual Property Office since 2010, has been chosen as the new President of the European Patent Office. After seven successful years at the EUIPO’s management, Campinos will take office in July 2018.

*Source (in Spanish): [/vc_column_text][vc_gap height=»10″][vc_separator align=»left» style=»normal» type=»large» margin_top=»10″ margin_bottom=»25″][vc_column_text]

[ IP Law Firm Spain 2017 ]

PADIMA has been awarded as Intellectual Property Law Firm of the Year in Spain on the annual awards granted by Global Law Experts.

After a selection among the best firms for the award nomination to the Global Law Experts award, and an exhaustive analysis of the reputation, legal are success and procedure key cases, clients comments, publications and presentatins, as well as the development and specialization of the team, Global Law Experts has granted PADIMA the recognition of “IP Law Firm of the Year in Spain – 2017”.

In words of Iván Sempere: : “Nothing is casual; just with effort and team good results can be reached: our will is not to get awards, but to serve our clients from the quality and efficiency”.

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[ Magister Lvcentivs ]

Responsibles of the Chinese Patent Office in the lecture by Isabel Ibarra on European Patent.

Our engineer Isabel Ibarra has participated in the lecture regarding the protection of an invention by means of a European Patent within the Patents and Technology Transfer Module to the responsibles of the Chinese Patent Office and the students of the Magister Lvcentinvs.

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PADIMA collaborates in the sessions organized by ATEVAL for our textile industry companies.

Last 29 Septenber and 19 October PADIMA had the pleasure of collaborating in the series of sessions organized by ATEVAL for the textile companies in Ontinyent: “How to Create an Online Shop and not Die Trying” and “Spanish Customs and Imports Control”.”.

Both sessions addressed current topics and had the collaboration of different experts in the field, among them our colleague Cristina Martínez-Tercero, attorney specialized in Intellectual Property and NTICs, and Iván Sempere, partner and Legal Area Director of PADIMA and Honorary Professor of Commercial Law at the University of Alicante.

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