
PADIMA NOTES October 2016: trademarks, patents, copyright, Intellectual Property…


Padima Notes October 2016



The HCJIB ratifies the SPTMO decision of rejecting the trademarks PEP COLA, PEP LEMON y PEP TONI.

pep-cola-vs-pepsi-colaThe HCJIB has refused the contentious-administrative appeal lodged by Lemon Factory, S.L against the SPTMO’s resolutions refusing the registration of the trademarks PEP LEMON, PEP COLA and PEP TONI. The HCJ, like the SPTMO, considers that the applied trademarks are similar to the well-known trademark PEPSI COLA, so there exists likelihood of confusion on the consumer.

According to the HCJ, a trademark’s core function is to distinguish a product from the competence and this aim seems not to match with the fact that a company tries to take advantage of the similarities between the trademarks, and then, cause a “reflex effect” in the consumer’s mind. A cassation appeal can be filed.

*Source (in Spanish): Diario de Mallorca






The Spanish Patent and Trademark Office publishes the resignation to the subventions call for the year 2016.

Although the call for the annual subvention for the promotion of patent applications in Spain and abroad was held in March, the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office, due to the budget deficit, announced last 18 October the resignation to said subvention, taking into account that the proceeding has not yet concluded.

However, it is expected that as far as possible, the SPTMO keeps the actions already taken, avoiding the applicant to repeat the procedure in the next call in 2017.

* Source (in Spanish): OEPM


[ Training Entrepreneurs ]

PADIMA collaborates again in the training sessions “TRAINING ENTREPRENEURS” organized by JOVEMPA.

With the aim of suporting the entrepreneurs and new entrepreneurs, our colleague Rebeca Vidal presents in the trademark management part, the main concepts to be able to take care of and protect their competitive advantage through trademarks, patents and designs.



[ Red Cross Equality Table ]

Eva Toledo, partner of PADIMA, collaborates in the VII Awareness and Implementation of Measures for the Equality of Opportunities between Man and Women Sessions, organized by the Spanish Red Cross last 21 October.

After the inauguration by Sonia Tirado González, Employment Councillor of Alicante, María José Espuch Svoboda, Equality Councillor of Alicante and Antonio Navarro Bernabé, provintial president of the Red Cross in Alicante; it was held the gathering with María Luz Pomares Soler, director of the Career Paths Area at Fundesem, María José San Román Pérez, chef and owner of the Restaurante Monastrell, Eva Toledo Alarcón, founding partner of PADIMA and Laura Vilanova Pelluch, journalist.


The event ended with the Spanish Red Cross recognition to 9 companies from the province, among them PADIMA, for their every-day measures taken in conciliation and equality.


[/vc_column_text][vc_heading title=»At PADIMA we are truly thankful for this recognition.» type=»h4″ style=»default» text_transform=»Default» align=»center» margin_bottom=»20″][vc_gap height=»20″][vc_column_text]




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