
A hundred senior executives and management directors from IP Offices of the European Union and all around the world visited the ACTIU Technology Park on the occasion of the annual event IP Executive Week”.

During the visit, PADIMA had the pleassure to discuss, in cooperation with the legal area of ACTIU, how to plan and focus the worldwide protection and defense of ACTIU’s Intellectual Property. Strategy and proactivity are the fundamental lines to the Intellectual Property policy in ACTIU.

Following to the interventions of Vicente Berbegal, President and Founder of ACTIU Group, and Carmen Berbegal, International Project Director, PADIMA’s Directors, Eva Toledo and Iván Sempere, explained some specific cases about the management of the ACTIU trademark in the scope of register and legal processes.

[/vc_column_text][vc_heading title=»Eva Toledo:“Innovative IP Policy means to consider IP as a competitive advantage, so that, the main basis of IP Policy should be strategy and proactivity”» type=»h1″ style=»style3″ text_transform=»Default» align=»left» margin_bottom=»20″][vc_heading title=»Iván Sempere: “IP Management is much more than registration: other related actions must be taken to better protect our innovation and brand reputation”» type=»h1″ style=»style3″ text_transform=»Default» align=»left» margin_bottom=»20″][vc_gap height=»20″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]About “IP Executive Week”:

In the context of their collaboration, the EUIPO and the EPO organise the “IP Executive Week” on a yearly basis. The four days event is open to participants on a senior management level from EU and non-EU IP Offices and is generally focused on the role of IP Offices in developing the global economy.


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