
PADIMA recognized as “IP Law Firm of the Year in Spain – 2017” by Global Law Experts.


After a selection of the best firms for the award nomination by Global Law Experts, and thorough a reputation analysis, the legal area success and key processes, costumers’ testimonials, publications and presentations, as well as the team performance and specialization; Global Law Experts has awarded to PADIMA the recognition of “IP Law Firm of the Year in Spain – 2017”.


PADIMA has been recognized as IP Law Firm of the Year in Spain specialized in Intellectual Property in the Global Law Experts annual awards.


We thank our customers and partners for their trust in us to achieve this success and make this recognition possible as IP Law Firm of the year specialized in the protection and defense of innovation and creativity in Spain.

At PADIMA we work every day with passion and rigor seeking excellence, currently enjoying a 95% success in patents and designs prosecution; 90% success in trademarks prosecution and 90% success in the legal area (litigation).

Ivan Sempere confirms:[/vc_column_text][vc_heading title=»“Nothing is accidentally; only with effort and team we can achieve good goals: Our goodwill is not win awards, but help our customers through efficiency and quality.”» type=»h1″ style=»style3″ text_transform=»Default» align=»left» margin_bottom=»20″][vc_progress_bar values=»90| TRADEMARK PROSECUTION ,95| PATENTS & DESIGNS PROSECUTION,90| IP UNFAIR COMPETITION & RELATED RIGHTS LITIGATION » bar_color=»default» units=»%»][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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